The United States Department of Defense ran a project to analyse the current and historical use of marksmanship training. The analysis compared costs of using traditional live-fire training alone versus using simulator training. Research on the effectiveness of using the simulator training, conducted previously is used as a basis for the effectiveness analysis. The questions researched are:

“Can using the simulator training reduce training costs compared to using live-fire ranges alone?”


“Will continued use of the simulator training be as effective as using live fire alone?”

The project identifies current virtual training systems and analyses potential opportunities for cost savings. The data supported the hypothesis that the simulator training system will reduce costs over the years that it is used to supplement live-fire ranges. A cost analysis was conducted, and a sensitivity report generated. Results provided an estimate of the per-person cost of training, logistics savings, and virtual system benefits. The analysis concludes that a well-sequenced mix of simulator training and live-fire training would maximise cost savings — and is as good for overall marksmanship quality as live-fire alone.

The analysis in this project concluded that there is definitely a large potential to save money while having the same quality and robust training using the ISMT coupled with LFT. This system, while providing a higher NPV, also provided the quality of training require by Marine recruit marksmen. The major costs associated with the determination are for the most part driven by the man hours used by live-fire ranges as well as the low life-cycle cost of the ISMT range.

Khary Atiim Bates June 2011, Cost Analysis and Effectiveness of Using the Indoor Simulated Marksmanship Trainer (ISMT) for United States Marine Corps (USMC) Marksmanship Training, NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA


How effective is VR training compared to traditional methods?

VR training offers a marked improvement over traditional methods. The immersive nature of VR allows for realistic and repeatable scenarios, enhancing an individual's ability to react under pressure. Studies have shown that VR-trained personnel exhibit a 27% increase in situational awareness and a 21% reduction in errors. This is crucial in high-stress environments where quick, accurate decision-making can mean the difference between mission success and failure. Furthermore, VR training enables comprehensive debriefs and after-action reviews, pivotal for learning and improvement .

What are the cost savings associated with VR firearms training?

The financial benefits of VR training are substantial. Traditional training requires physical props, live ammunition, and dedicated facilities, all with high costs. VR training, on the other hand, eliminates the need for these expensive resources. For instance, a Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention study indicated that VR training can reduce training costs by approximately 40% and cut down training time by up to 50%. These savings stem from reduced logistical requirements, no ammunition expenses, and the ability to conduct training sessions repeatedly without additional costs .

Can VR training scenarios be customised for specific training needs?

One of the standout features of VR training is its adaptability. Scenarios can be meticulously crafted to match specific operational requirements: urban warfare, counter-terrorism, or hostage rescue. Customisation extends to the environment, threats encountered, and mission objectives. This level of detail ensures that training is relevant and challenging, preparing personnel for their unique situations. This capability is invaluable for tailoring training to the ever-evolving landscape of modern combat and policing .

What types of firearms and scenarios can be simulated in VR training?

VR training platforms can replicate a comprehensive array of firearms, from pistols and carbines to sniper rifles and heavy machine guns. Scenarios are equally diverse, encompassing close-quarter battle (CQB), active shooter situations, and large-scale tactical operations. Including advanced threat vectors and complex tactical environments ensures trainees can practice and refine their skills in a safe, controlled setting. These simulations help develop muscle memory, situational awareness, and tactical decision-making under various conditions . BattleVR incorporates a full suite of tactical and training environments.

How does VR training enhance decision-making skills?

VR training places individuals in realistic, high-pressure scenarios where they must make quick, informed decisions. This immersive environment allows for the practice of critical thinking and situational analysis, skills that are crucial in real-world operations. VR-trained personnel have shown significant improvements in decision-making accuracy and speed, with studies indicating a 33% increase in accuracy during high-risk scenarios such as active shooter situations. The ability to repeatedly experience and analyse these scenarios in VR builds confidence and competence .

What equipment is required for VR firearms training?

Essential equipment for VR firearms in advanced systems such as BattleVR training includes high-fidelity VR headsets that provide immersive visual and auditory feedback, synthetic weapons that mimic the feel and recoil of real firearms, and haptic suits that deliver force feedback to simulate physical impacts. Additionally, a robust computer system is necessary to run the training software. This setup allows for a highly realistic training experience, ensuring that personnel are well-prepared for real-world engagements without the risks associated with live training .

Is VR training suitable for both individual and team training?

VR training is highly versatile, accommodating both individual and team-based exercises. Multi-user environments allow for collaborative training scenarios, fostering teamwork and communication skills essential for effective unit operations. Whether a single soldier is practising marksmanship or an entire squad is conducting a coordinated assault, VR training systems can simulate these situations with high fidelity, ensuring that all participants synchronise their efforts and hone their collective strategies .

How are training sessions evaluated in VR training?

VR training systems incorporate advanced after-action review (AAR) capabilities. Every action taken during a training session is tracked and recorded, allowing for detailed debriefs. Trainers can review footage, analyse decision points, and provide constructive feedback. This thorough evaluation process helps identify strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring that each training session contributes to the overall development of the trainee's skills. The ability to replay scenarios and analyse performance is a crucial advantage of VR training .

What are the benefits of using synthetic weapons in VR training?

Synthetic weapons provide a realistic training experience without the safety risks and costs associated with live ammunition. These weapons replicate their real counterparts' look, feel, and recoil, enabling trainees to develop proper handling techniques and muscle memory. The absence of live ammunition also allows for more frequent and varied training sessions, as there are no concerns about ammunition costs or safety hazards. This makes VR training a practical and efficient solution for firearms proficiency .

How does VR training ensure safety and compliance?

Safety is paramount in VR training. The controlled environment of VR allows trainees to experience high-risk scenarios without any physical danger. Compliance with global safety standards is maintained through regular updates and adherence to best practices in training design. Additionally, VR training platforms can be configured to simulate various operational environments and conditions, ensuring that all necessary safety protocols are observed and practised. This approach not only prepares personnel for real-world challenges but also ensures that training is conducted in a safe and controlled manner .