The best prepared teams are always the best trained and history repeats this lesson time and time again. To help military and law enforcement teams be the best they can be, Herald is designed from scratch to provide individually monitored and accountable training along with lesson planning and student management to provide the most efficient and effective training possible.
By providing a flexible and fully configurable framework instructors and planning teams can outline their requirements and schedules and focus on delivering the training while Herald tracks students and resources with none of the traditional endless paperwork.
Audit trails are a key requirement of the modern training environment and so using Herald’s encupted assurance framework senior offices can trust the reporting to give an accurate assessment of the current training state of their teams.
Integrated officer records and notification systems enable officers to track and manage their programme using the Herald IOS/Android app to maximise their engagement with require continuous professional development and qualification requirements.
Deliverable through our own encrypted cloud platform, or deployed locally Herald is at the forefront of modern tactical training across the world.
Features & Benefits
Coherence. Single set of objectives, performance measures and exercise documentation ensures consistency across training activities.
Assurance. Record of all training and performance data with audit trail.
Transparency. Real time, objective view of Training Risk and Readiness
Evidence-Based. Live training and performance results to inform decision-making.
Exploitable Data. Dashboard visualisation and automated reporting of training data for Lessons, After-Action Reviews, Capability Development etc.